
At Shipivishta, we offer comprehensive Financial Management services tailored specifically for ship management companies. Our Financial Management solutions encompass the following:

Our Technical Management services encompass a wide range of key areas, including:

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Budgeting and Financial Planning

We work closely with ship owners to develop detailed budgets and financial plans for their vessels. Our team analyzes historical data, market trends, and operational requirements to create realistic and effective financial plans that align with your business goals.


Cost Control and Expense Management

We implement robust cost control measures to optimize your vessels’ operational expenses. Our team closely monitors expenses, identifies cost-saving opportunities, and implements strategies to improve efficiency and reduce unnecessary expenditures without compromising on safety or quality.

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Financial Reporting and Analysis

We provide accurate and timely financial reporting, including profit and loss statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and financial performance analysis. Our team ensures transparency and accountability, keeping you informed about the financial health of your fleet and providing actionable insights for informed decision-making.


Cash Flow Management

We develop effective cash flow management strategies to ensure sufficient liquidity for your ship management operations. Our team closely monitors cash inflows and outflows, manages receivables and payables, and provides recommendations to optimize cash flow and maintain financial stability.


Financial Compliance

We ensure compliance with financial regulations and industry standards, including accounting practices, tax requirements, and reporting obligations. Our team stays updated on relevant regulations and works closely with auditors and tax advisors to ensure accurate financial reporting and adherence to legal requirements.


Financial Risk Management

We assess and manage financial risks associated with vessel operations. Our team identifies potential risks, implements risk mitigation strategies, and provides recommendations to protect your financial interests and ensure resilience in a dynamic market environment.


Advisory Services

We offer strategic financial advisory services to support your business growth and investment decisions. Our team provides insights on financial feasibility, investment opportunities, capital structuring, and funding options, helping you make informed decisions to optimize your financial position.