
At Shipivishta, we offer comprehensive Consultancy Services to support ship management companies in optimizing their operations, improving efficiency, and achieving strategic objectives.

Our Safety and Compliance services encompass the following:


Operational Efficience

We analyze your current operational processes, identify areas for improvement, and provide tailored solutions to enhance efficiency. Our team evaluates vessel performance, voyage optimization, maintenance strategies, and crew management practices to help streamline operations and reduce costs.

Risk Assessment Management

Conducting comprehensive risk assessments to identify potential operational, safety, and financial risks. Our team develops risk management strategies, implements mitigation measures, and provides guidance on contingency planning to minimize risk exposure and enhance resilience.

Regulatory Compliance

We ensure compliance with international regulations, flag state requirements, and industry standards. Our consultancy services include assessing your compliance status, developing compliance frameworks, and providing guidance on regulatory updates and best practices to ensure adherence to applicable rules and regulations.


Safety Management Systems

We assist in the development and implementation of robust Safety Management Systems (SMS) tailored to your specific operations. Our team helps establish safety policies, procedures, and reporting mechanisms to foster a strong safety culture and ensure compliance with safety regulations.

Fleet Optimization

We assess your vessel portfolio and provide recommendations for fleet optimization strategies. Our team evaluates factors such as vessel age, size, market demand, and operational costs to help you make informed decisions regarding fleet composition, deployment, and acquisition/disposal.

Digital Transformation

We guide ship management companies in leveraging digital technologies to drive operational efficiency and competitive advantage. Our consultancy services include digital strategy development, technology implementation guidance, and process optimization to embrace digital transformation.


Performance Monitoring and Benchmarking

We provide performance monitoring and benchmarking services to assess your operational performance against industry standards. Our team conducts data analysis, identifies performance gaps, and provides recommendations for improvement to enhance operational excellence.

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