Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions (T&C) for a ship management company can vary depending on the specific services offered, contractual agreements, and legal requirements. Here is a general outline of key components that could be included in the T&C:

Agreement and Guidelines for
Ship Management Services

Scope of Services: Clearly define the ship management services being provided, including technical management, crew management, commercial management, financial management, or any other specific services.

Responsibilities: Outline the responsibilities and obligations of both the ship management company and the client or ship owner. This includes duties related to vessel maintenance, crewing, safety management, regulatory compliance, financial management, and any other relevant areas.

Duration of Agreement: Specify the duration of the agreement, including the start and end dates, and any provisions for renewal or termination.
Payment Terms: Detail the payment terms, including the billing frequency, payment methods, and any penalties or late fees for overdue payments.

Insurance: Clarify the insurance coverage provided by the ship management company, such as liability insurance, hull and machinery insurance, and crew welfare insurance.

Dispute Resolution: Specify the mechanism for resolving disputes that may arise during the course of the agreement, such as mediation or arbitration, and the jurisdiction or governing law that will apply.

Confidentiality: Address the confidentiality and non-disclosure obligations of both parties, ensuring the protection of sensitive and proprietary information.

Termination Clause: Define the circumstances under which either party can terminate the agreement, including provisions for notice period, default, or breach of contract.

Limitation of Liability: Specify the extent of liability for the ship management company, limiting any potential damages or claims to a defined amount or excluding liability for certain types of losses.

Force Majeure: Include provisions to address unforeseen circumstances or events beyond the control of either party, such as natural disasters or acts of God, and how such situations will be handled.